Around Dodge City and in the territory on west there's just one way to handle the killers and their spoilers and that's with the US Marshal and the smell of Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke starring William Conrad, the story of the violence that moved west with young America, the story of a man who moved with it, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. There it is. Yeah. Wonder if he's in. We'll soon find out. Look him over close. You gotta know how he stacks up. Yeah I know. Hope he doesn't recognize us. Come on. Morning boys. Morning sir. Are you the Marshal here in Dodge? Yeah that's right. My name is Dillon, Matt Dillon. Thompson's our name. I'm Jim. This is my brother Will. I'm glad to know you. That's my sidekick, Chester Brotford. Pleased to meet you. Howdy, howdy. Mr. Dillon, we're after some information. Huh? What kind of information? Well you see Will and I just brought a trail herd up from the Pecos country, around two thousand head. We're holding down river a few miles. Oh toward Walnut Creek? Yeah I guess that's what they call it. You see we planned to drive them on up toward Wyoming and put them on grass for a couple of months. We got thinking we might sell them here if we could get a fair price. You shouldn't have any trouble. The market's good right now. So we've heard. The only thing is we don't know any buyers here. We were wondering if you might have an idea too. I see. Well uh I see. I suggest you go talk to Clem Bates. He runs the bank down the west end of Front Street. Clem Bates huh? He'll know of any buyers that happen to be in town. Might even buy the herd himself if it's in good condition. Well we'll go right down and see him now Mr. Dillon. And uh much obliged to you sir. Forget it. Coming well? Yeah. It's been a pleasure talking to you Marshal. Thank you. Same to you. Goodbye. Well they seem like a couple of nice men Mr. Dillon. Yeah. Couple of strange ones Chester. Wonder what they're here for. Why does sell herd of cattle? You heard what they said. Chester when's the last time a trail driver came in here and asked me where to sell his cattle? Well I don't recollect that one ever did before but all the same. Of course not. They go to the bank or one of the saloons. They don't come to the jail. Then why do you figure the Thompsons did? Well I got an idea. They might be sizing me up. I think that's the kind of information they wanted. But why? I don't know. Maybe they're planning something they think I might interfere with. What do you say we ride out to Walnut Creek and find out if they really got a herd? Alright Mr. Dillon whatever you say. That older one Jim. You know there's something familiar. I can't quite place it. Thomson brothers huh? Well come on Chester let's ride. Oh boy. Oh oh. Well they got a herd alright Mr. Dillon. Yes so they have Chester. Well let's drop in on them huh? Come on. Smoke's coming up behind those willas. Must be their camp. Yeah I guess so. These cattle are carrying a circle bar tea brand. I never heard of it. It's like the Thompsons brothers Chester. I never heard of them either. At least not by that name. Camp looks deserted Mr. Dillon. Yeah. Somebody coming out of the wagon. Yeah he must have been asleep. Well well well. You fellas better turn them horses around. Hello Houston. Dillon I didn't recognize you. Well now that you have why don't you put the rifle down. Well sure Marshal I got into a quarrel with you. You used to figure you did. Well I. How long you been working for the Thompsons Houston? Just a couple of months I ran into them down on the Pecos and hired out for the drive. Did you know them before that? No. No I just happened to run into them and I heard they was looking for riders. Riders? I never knew you had a hire out for anything but gunslinging. Why don't you let bygones be bygones Marshal? A man can change. Maybe. Now you take me. I don't hold on grudges. You run me out of town last year and I was pretty sore about it. But not anymore. I'm willing to forget it. If you do you'll be making a mistake Houston. Now look. I told you to get out of Dodge City and stay out. That still goes. You understand me? Alright Marshal. That's the way you want it. I'm not in Dodge City. Not yet. They don't seem to be in here Mr. Dillon. We'll wait Chester. They will be sooner or later. Well it was a real dull day up until now. Hi Kitty. Good to see you Matt. Chester. You're on your own. Stick around though. Alright Mr. Dillon. See you later Miss Kitty. Alright Chester. You like a drink? Not now thanks Kitty. I was looking for a couple of strangers in town. The Thompson brothers. Oh yeah. They were in earlier. Seemed very pleasant. Quiet. Real polite. People aren't always what they seem to be Kitty. Well are they mixed up in something Matt? I don't know. I don't know. Then what do you mean? I don't think their name is Thompson and I don't think they came here to sell cattle. But they brought a herd in. Yeah I know. I am pretty sure I've seen that older brother somewhere before. Somewhere sometime. You're suspicious of everybody aren't you Matt? Are you going to start that again Kitty? Alright alright. But you got the wrong attitude you know. You miss a lot that way. Yeah. Yeah. Someday you're going to miss. Matt! Over here at the bar Matt. Oh there they are now. Came in with Clem Bates. Will you excuse me Kitty? Sure Matt sure. When you're through come back. I'll be here. Alright Kitty I'll see you. How ya Clem? I just bought myself two thousand head of the finest cattle that's come north all summer. Yeah they are in good shape. I rode out that way this afternoon. Marsha we want to thank you again for putting us in touch with Mr. Bates. We're as satisfied with the deal as he is. How about a drink Matt? Thanks Clem. Later maybe huh? Mr. Thompson do you know that you got one of the crookedest gunslingers in this part of the country working for you? No I didn't know. What do you mean? Man who calls himself Houston Jack. Houston Jack? Is he back in town? No not back in town exactly. I ran into him out at the trail camp. I ordered him out of Dodge a year ago Mr. Thompson. The order still stands. That's funny he didn't tell us he'd ever been in Dodge. Well I thought maybe he didn't. That's why I figured I'd better let you know about him. I'm glad you did Marsha. Of course with the herd sold we'll be paying the boys off tomorrow and that'll be that. Then back to Texas. The sooner the better. In the meantime there's nothing to prevent us from having a sociable drink or two. Holly set them up over here. Mr. Dillon. What? Oh. Will you boys excuse me a minute please. Sure go right ahead. Yeah what is it Sammy? Could you spare me a dollar Mr. Dillon? I need a drink off of bad. Oh Sammy you know what always happens. First it's one drink and then it's ten. And I always end up having to run you in. Oh not this time Mr. Dillon. What's the matter Sammy? Them fellows you're with you know Mr. Dillon. Their names Thompson their brothers. No that's not their name. Well then what is it? I gotta get out of here Mr. Dillon. Wait a minute Sammy what the devil are you talking about? Nothing Mr. Dillon honestly. Just remember something I gotta go right now. Well how about that drink? Some other time Mr. Dillon. Thanks a lot. I'll remember it though. Goodbye Mr. Dillon. What's wrong with Sammy man? Did he smell a drink somewhere? Yeah he must have. I don't know what you said to him Marshall but he sure went out of here looking like he'd seen a ghost. Well Sammy's seen a lot of different things at different times. Maybe he did see a ghost. I can't figure where he got to Mr. Dillon. I looked in all the places he usually hangs out but there wasn't any sign of him. Well the ways of a drunkard and the ways of a woman Chester they're beyond all human knowledge. Yes sir I guess they are Mr. Dillon. One thing's certain though as blurry eyed as he is Sammy recognized those Thompson brothers. That's more than I can do. Oh maybe there's nothing to recognize. Maybe you just think you've seen them before. Yeah maybe. Well there's no use going back to Texas Trail that's one saloon Sammy will stay clear of. I just don't know where to look Mr. Dillon. I'll swear. Wait a minute Chester. Oh Thompson's coming out of the saloon. No I mean across the street there's somebody by the corner. By heaven that's Sammy. Yes and he's got a rifle. I got you boys. Sammy you're fine. Over there for the corner. Come on Chester. He must have been crazy Mr. Dillon he must have been out of his mind. Yeah I guess. One side. Let me through here please. Let me through. Sammy. Mr. Dillon I. They used could use that drink now. Thought I'd get the reward. Sammy. Is he dead. Yeah. We sure hated to do it Marshall we had nothing against this man didn't even know him in fact. But I guess you saw what happened yeah I saw it he threw a rifle on you tried to kill you you couldn't do anything else. I can't figure it Marshall my brother and me didn't have no quarrel with this fellow. Well Sammy drank a lot he wasn't always in his right mind. But you won't be held it was out not self defense. Thanks Marshall. Thanks a lot. Come on let's get out of here. Yeah. Well it's too bad Mr. Dillon Sammy never meant no harm to anybody. He did to the Thompson's just and I can't figure it why did he do it. Because he recognized them I guess say did you see them draw after he fired. Yeah. Yeah I saw him there fast Mr. Dillon. Oh Kelly. I heard him down the street calling for Doc was hurt. Sammy got himself killed. Oh. Poor little guy. Yeah. Matt you got trouble to what do you mean Houston Jackson town what he's over at the saloon now looking for you. He says he's going to kill you. We will return for the second act of gun smoke in just a moment but first adventure on your mind then keep tuned. The Gene Autry show is straight ahead and most of these same CBS radio stations bringing you the Melody Ranch gang and Gene Autry songs. Tarzan straight ahead too tonight involved with some fanatic headhunters in darkest Africa. There's another true police case on gangbusters this evening and Broadway is my beat offers mystery fiction that's packed with excitement. They're all ahead tonight on CBS radio. Now the second act. I just can't figure it Mr. Dillon I never thought Houston and have the nerve. Well it's like a lot of things tonight just. None of a bigger Mr. Dillon you don't suppose he's going to set you up for the Thompson now they got their horses and left and out of here. Well soon to find out. Watch the boys on the tables Chester and keep them off my back Mr. Mr. Dillon. I'll tell you one thing for sure it wasn't that chin horn Marshal that made me do it. You know this he's staying plenty clear of me. Hello Houston. Dillon. You've got nothing on me I told you to get out of town didn't I I know but you you still got I told you to stay out didn't I yeah yeah but you had no right. What do you think you are. Why'd you come back. That's my business mine too maybe. You're under arrest. Stay back Dylan I'm warning you. You can't keep backing off forever Houston you'll have to stop sometime. I said you're under arrest. I heard what you said. I got ears still and I know. The door Mr. Dillon he's getting away. He could be waiting outside. You grew Mr. Dillon why didn't you shoot because you didn't draw you can't. There you go. Come on Chester. He can't be far ahead of us Mr. Dillon. He's heading for the range camp. I still can't figure it Mr. Dillon it just don't add up. Chester sir help me if you say that once more I'm. What's the matter Mr. Dillon. What are we stopping for Mr. Dillon he's getting farther away every minute. Chester I owe you an apology. You're right it don't add up. Well it's just a way of talking I have I didn't know no I mean it just everything Houston Jack did tonight it doesn't add up at all. He knew I'd jump him if he came into town. He's tough but he's not that tough he's not the kind of a man to force a gunfight just for a chance to show off. Yeah but there wasn't any gunfight Mr. Dillon. No he turned tail and ran that's not like Houston either. You'll be a laughing stock from here to the peckers. Well it's like I said it just don't add. I forget what I was going to say. Chester suppose that Thompson's wanted to get us out of town for a while. You mean they put Houston up to that Dido so as we chase off after him. Well there's only one way I know to find out. Come on. Dodgers. Kind of spooky this time of night Mr. Dillon. Pretty though. All shadows and moonlight. Yeah. Man could do a fair job of shooting tonight. My. Sometimes I think Kitty is right about you Mr. Dillon. Meaning no heart. Maybe not. No offense Mr. Dillon forget it. You know just to this something about moonlight connected with those Thompson brothers. I wish I could remember what. Just don't don't look just right straight ahead. Keep writing. There are four horses tied over there by the bank. So that's it one of them has been run he's wet. I can see it in the moonlight. Houston must have circled back. Him and the Thompson's. Yes but what about that fourth horse Mr. Dillon. It's probably Clem Bates they'd have to have him. The vaults locked at night. All right around the corner now. They may be watching from the front windows. Thompson brothers. I wouldn't never have figured them for a bank hold it. All right we'll leave the horses here slip back to the side of this. What about that moonlight now Chester. I guess it's bright enough a man can. A man could do a fair job of shooting tonight. No sign of life Mr. Dillon. They're in there though. Side doors open. Everyone knows sort of time. I came from the door come on just. All right get fight against the wall. They'll have to show themselves to fire at us. Same as you know I think they shut that door. Yeah. All right let's move in easy. It's shadow all right. I'm going to try the door if it opens flip a couple of shots and. It's bolded. All right cover me Chester. Here goes. I think I hear him running in yeah one more. They crashed out through the front window. Come on. There's a plan on the floor they must have laid him out. Easy Chester. Maybe waiting outside for us there they go they're making a run for it yeah come on. Let's get out through this window. Mr. Dillon. Mr. Dillon. It's all right just. The rib I think I'm I'm all right. I thought for a minute there that they'd yeah yeah I know looks like one of them stayed behind that shot came from the corner of the livery stable over there. Maybe I can. It's Houston all right back of that old stone well yeah. Stay here and keep him pinned on Chester. I'm going up on the roof through the trap door back here all right Mr. Dillon watch yourself yeah throw a shot or two at him keep him busy yes. I will use them don't worry about that. I can just get this open. Now. You're not getting. South corner there. Put me right over him. And then I. Wait a minute. Moonlight night. Bank. So that's who they are. You'll stand. Where I appear. You're under arrest drop your gun. I'll drop it. Last chance Houston. You're less. All right then. So long gunslinger. I reckon that Mr. Dillon yeah. Moonlight's real bright up here Chester. All right Chester I'm coming down. I don't know Mr. Bates is coming to Mr. Dillon yeah he's not bad off they must have slapped him with a gun barrel on the way out of Clem. Clem can you hear me. Who who might think you have to get that chair over the yes. All right give me a hand with it. Now what happened Clem are they trying to make you open the vault that's right it was those Thompson brothers man yeah I know they fooled me plenty thought they were fine fellows I've been drinking with them all evening you never know Clem they get away with anything no I was about to give in and open the vault when you rode by that got him kind of upset well there's no harm done that Houston Jack was long overdue for killing we're going to go after the Thompson's Mr. Dillon where Chester they could have gone on any one of a dozen directions there'd be no chance of trying to track him till morning somehow I don't think we'll get him even then I think I ought to get something done about this hit of mine Matt it's it's given me fit see I'll go with you Clem I got to tell the doc about Houston Chester I guess you better go over to the depot and wake up Mr. Hightower have him put a wanted bulletin on the wire for the Thompson brothers huh no Chester I've recognized them finally their name isn't Thompson well what name do I put in the bulletin Mr. Dillon just say wanted for attempted bank robbery in Dodge City Frank and Jesse James Gun smoke under the direction of Norman MacDonald stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon US Marshal tonight's story was specially written for gun smoke by Les Crutchfield with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey featured in the cast were Harry Bartel and Vic Perrin with Paul Dubov Joe Duvall and Lou Krugman Harley Bear is Chester Georgia Ellis is Kitty join us again next week as Matt Dillon US Marshal fights to bring law and order out of the wild Sunday's in the daytime CBS radio brings you a unique series of political debates a program called pick the winner on which the major party select their highest authorities to discuss important election issues tomorrow on most of these same CBS radio stations here another major election issue debated here pick the winner and don't forget to make the full use of what these programs tell you register so you may vote this fall this is Roy Rowland speaking remember every Sunday we extend a cordial invitation to great music on the CBS radio network