Around dark city and in the territory on west there's just one way to handle the killers of the spoilers and that's with the US Marshal and the smell of gun smoke Gun smoke starring William Conrad the story of the violence that moved west with young America the story of a man who moved with it Matt Dillon United States Marshal everything was all right until about a mile north of the Cimarron that's when my horse got a hoof caught in a frozen dog hole and broke his leg so I had to shoot him made me feel awful bad I didn't feel any better thinking about the walk ahead of me close to 40 miles to dodge and carrying my saddle all the way guess I'd been on the trail about an hour near as I could figure this around three in the afternoon and I'd ease the saddle off my shoulders for a rest and a smoke and that's when I saw the stranger riding up from the way I'd come he was tall and thin and his horse was taller and even thinner and they made quite a pair all right how are you lost no my horse busted his leg away back I'm on my way to dodge it's your house huh I saw it yeah on your way to dodge yeah yeah that's right got any more that tobacco now sure here you are thanks thanks a lot that's okay a big walk you've got ahead ain't it kind of you're gonna be dark soon you figure making camp that's the idea well it's too bad yeah you need any food no no no thanks I got no well I thank you for the tobacco sure anytime hey yeah I'd say in this beast won't drop dead from the shock but do you want to climb on behind save your piece of boot leather for a while anyway why I'd be much obliged if you think that animal of yours can carry us she won't mind should have been dead a long time ago except she don't know it you don't mind okay thanks here will you hold my saddle though I got up huh yeah give it here yeah can you manage this settle yeah yeah I got it now let's go you heading for Dodge too not in particular just north ah this beast will do about ten knots with the wind behind her but we ain't gonna get more than five with this load you ain't no hurry I am well I was kind of hoping to get back tonight Christmas Eve you know oh yeah that's right in it yeah that backbone are sticking it in oh no it's okay thanks notice that tin dude jigger tied to you you with the law yeah yeah I'm a US Marshal my name is Matt Dylan that's so never seen a marshal on foot well it happens sometimes how is it you're down this way and it to might off your course hmm so you marshal down here as well as dodge no no I just took a prisoner across the Cimarron and Oklahoma territory turn him over to the army there did many shut up tight we must have ridden a couple of miles without a word I got to thinking about Dodge Chester dog kitty the rest of you know there's something pretty special about any place at Christmas time they backbone and the strangers nag was just about to split me in two when he talked up my name is Cowley oh Cowley a bit of heat to a spell she's breathing mighty hot all right hold up it's getting a little chilly yeah did I trouble you for another smoke oh sure sure yeah yeah I think same hmm what's it like in Dutch what Dodge what's it like oh it's like any other town I guess pretty big yeah well yeah I guess so not so big as New York oh no no no not as big as that you know I haven't been in a big town now for more than ten years I was I so no been down the territories drifting thought I'd move up north this time maybe go back east so you're from the east huh sometime back say what's it like what well dodge any time at Christmas seems it used to be well I guess so yeah what do you do same as most people I guess what most people do it Chris well that ain't saying a lot what are the folks like and what does it look like I just I just kind of like to know well I don't know well there's Front Street that's most of Dodge right now course it's getting bigger oh you have any kids no no I'm not married yeah kids have fun Christmas yeah yeah they do that that's certain and dodge they sometimes have a party for the kids a couple of days before Christmas kids like that and then everybody gets feeling good looking forward to Christmas Eve like last year there was snow on the ground but the sky was clear you could even see the stars I was going down the street to the Texas Trail to meet Doc and Chester Chester he's my deputy Doc's a doctor in town we had some work to do later on in the evening you could see the light shining behind the curtain windows and almost everybody had a sprig of holly berries hanging up they got some from the east a couple of days earlier I remember running into John Bumby he's a kind of general handyman and dodge never says much but he sure had a lot to say that night oh hello Marshall oh hi John lovely night for Christmas Eve isn't it that certainly is John yeah pretty fine night peace on earth goodwill to man yeah mr. Dillon yeah that's the way it should be John you know Marshall this is going to be quite a night for me yes sir oh yes sir tonight I'm asking mrs. McNish to become mrs. Bumby what mm-hmm what John I didn't know that I know it's been a mighty fast secret but I I'm popping the question tonight well I wish you a lot of luck John hey I'll tell you what come by to the Texas Trail later and and we'll have a drink on it oh I will I really will Marshall you're good and kind Marshall good and kind Merry Christmas Marshall Dillon Merry Christmas the same to you John that may sound kind of funny to you but John Bumby's a good man a little peculiar sometimes but good as they come and they don't make enough like him of course most everybody in Dodge suspected Doc and ms. McNish were sweet on each other but it just goes to show you I'll tell you about John and ms. McNish a little later so I went on down the street you know it's a funny thing about those words Merry Christmas men say it to each other and well it makes them feel kind of good I know what you mean used to be a seafarer and man myself when you're on the sea and it comes Christmas things like that can they can count a lot yeah and we might as well get underway again and sure hey you want to take me out I'll give it here I guess guess you'll miss it in Dodge tonight I mean won't you well you could get a little more out of this nagger yours we might make it and I know there's not a chance you'll be on our beam ends pretty quick she's been on a long reach since sunup ah mighty bear country up this way all right depends on what you're used to it oh mighty bear where I've been to it's not like the sea that's always different how come you left it I always heard a sailor doesn't ever get it out of his blood the sea yes you can get it out of your blood all right you got the right reason you can yeah I guess so hey you're trying to get something out of me but no get what I would just remind a ride with me I don't want any talk about the sea well you brought it up we will return for the second act of gun smoke in just a moment but first tomorrow night Jack Benny and his whole fun-making gang make a personal appearance at a Long Beach California Veterans Hospital it's going to be a Christmas they'll never forget as Benny and the bunch cut loose while they assist the folks at the hospital in trimming their Christmas tree be sure to join the fun tomorrow night on CBS radio when it's Jack Benny time all across America now for the second act of gun smoke Amos Colley soaked his way along the trail for the next while and then it was almost like he couldn't stand the quiet or maybe he had things on his mind he turned his head go on what go on tell me some on oh about Dodge yeah well I don't know you try some on well they got a little pine tree in the Texas tree yeah come down a long way from the north now Kitty Russell she's a hostess in the Texas Trail well she she got a lot of ribbon and geegers and made it look real nice that was last Christmas of a star at the top the star yeah yeah I think so it looked like a star I guess it sure looked pretty and there was a well a difference in the place that day everybody was celebrating and feeling real good the doors had swing open and somebody had come in and you know maybe somebody you just knew to nod at but because it was Christmas Eve he'd come right up and say hello oh maybe that's a good reason maybe not I don't know anyhow it was still kind of early kitty and Chester were standing off looking at the tree Mr. Dillon hi kitty Chester how do you like it man Christmas tree that's real pretty only tree but one in the whole town yeah Kate's got one over the alfaganser oh well I'll have to see it later where's Sam I don't know maybe he started celebrating too soon Doc's taking over the box you want to drink kitty sure you haven't forgotten anything have you mr. Dillon forgotten what just there what did I tell you miss kitty I knew just as sure as my nose oh that no no I hadn't forgotten oh well I thought as soon as they get Sam sober enough to take care of the customers we could go on over to Doc's like we planned sure we'll do that just thanks doc yeah well still snowing out no no stop why are you going kitty all right just want to look outside ah real pretty man thinks of a lot of funny things that don't mean much kitty standing at the door sniffing the cold air and the warmth inside and the whiskey and me it was a good feeling and then Chester and I decided to take a bottle over to mr. Hightower he's the telegraph operator over at the depot he runs a printing shop on the side mr. Dillon yeah Chester do you mind if I stop by the church for a minute no I don't mind I just feel kind of right tonight mr. Dillon figure out I think somebody for it sure so we stopped by the church I've never been much of a man for a church I guess but I went along with Chester wasn't anybody else there just the two of us guess we set for ten minutes in that place Chester a little way off with his head bowed you know there's a lot of peace in a church maybe maybe it's the quiet maybe maybe it's the good that people find in there now whatever it was it made a man feel glad about pretty much everything I haven't been in the church since I don't know when how's that so she's become again mr. okay she sure wasn't built for it I'll tell you you ever see anything like that she is kind of old and I've had her going on eight years she hasn't changed a mite eats like a pig and looks like a four-legged mizzenmist smoke don't mind hey what about that that fella high tower did you get that bottle to him oh sure sure yeah I guess it was lonely over in the depot all alone he he was glad for the company there was a wood fire burning in the stove but it didn't keep up the coal well how are you gents Merry Christmas well how's it going mr. Hightower slow Marshall slow bit of excitement about an hour back though that's oh yeah 915 got stuck between here and Hutchinson lots of snow back there they getting her out sure they're trying but I'm sure glad I'm not on it it's gonna be a cold night on that train it's kind of chilly in here isn't it mr. Hightower any warmer and I'm going to sleep it will say we brought you over a bottle of Irish for company James well I declare I was just thinking about a top before you boys come in now that's real friendly will you have a drink with me we sure will let's open her up a couple of glasses up on the shelf air chest to get them down will you I don't know if you get an idea about the folks and Dodge or not they're not any different than any other people or the town either I guess maybe it's a pretty small place at that the depot the hall a few stores and church Doc's office at Texas Trail alifoganza my office they're not much but hey it's where you live you know sounds all right I lived in a town once back East small I know what you mean well maybe you'll be going back maybe say the kids they still believe in st. Nick for sure I might if you kids down where I've been Indian kids they don't believe in st. Nick no reason they should I guess I used to believe in it you know that well I guess most people dead one time or another hey you figure we come maybe 10 miles maybe it's getting dark yeah well come on you want to you want to ride the saddle for a bit oh no no I that's okay well then okay we rode on and I thought about last year about Kitty Doc and Chester and me going over to Doc's place after Doc got tired attended bar at the Texas Trail it was about a quarter to midnight and we stood around and sang Christmas carols I I remember how it sounded that night how it looked the glow in the stove in the middle of the room and frosty windows yeah it was Christmas Eve Oh now what do you say if you have a listen huh Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I feel sentimental. That's exactly what I feel. I feel sentimental. I know what you mean, Doc. I surely know. Okay, Doc. Bring him out. And I remember how Doc scuttled over to the bureau and brought out some packages. The presents weren't much, but it didn't matter what they were. And when we'd finished opening them, it was Chester who said what we were all thinking. I just, I just want to say, Miss Kitty, Doc, you, Mr. Dillon, I just want to say that this is the best doggone Christmas I ever had. And that's what I want to say. Say, he was going to tell me about that, that fella John was caught in that woman. What was her name? Oh, yeah, Miss McNish. That's right. Well, she said yes, and you've never seen two happier people in your whole life. Yeah, she's Miss McNish bumpy now. That's good. You know, you might settle for a bit in Dodger. You could get work there. Sure would be fine if you could get back tonight, wouldn't it? Well, it can't be helped. I'd be a lot further away and a sight more tired if you hadn't come along. Now listen, how far do you figure before there's a place you might pick up a horse? Oh, I don't know, 15 miles or so maybe. Oh, I'm not going to make any 15 miles in this nag tonight, that's for sure. Oh, that's all right. Now, I tell you what, you go on alone, you see. Oh, no, forget it. Now, you go on alone. She'd hold out with one man on her, and then you get a fresh horse and you ride into Dodge tonight. Well, thanks, that's very kind. Now, I'm telling you, I want you to go. I'll be fine. I've walked before. Probably make it almost as quick as you. Look, it's real nice of you, Mr. Colley, but no thanks. Now, Christmas don't mean nothing to me. You've got friends waiting for you. Well, I'll see them tomorrow. Now, you're a fool. Well, that may be. All of them nice folks, you're going to make them feel pretty bad. Look, I'll stay. If you want to go on along, thanks for the ride. Well, let's well make camp then. I guess so. And listen, you want to tell me some more about what you was telling me before we turn in? Well, sure. I take it kindly, Mr. I'll get yourself settled. I got some stuff in my pack we can eat and maybe get a fire going. Then after we eat, you can tell me some more. We made a fire and then shared what we had for supper. He seemed to soften up after that. And we talked for a couple or three hours. It was like he was starved. He was a little bit of a news of people, everyday things, and just playing company. And that's how we spent Christmas Eve together out on the plane. And then when the fire was dying down and I was about ready for sleep, he said, Marshall, yeah, I want to tell you something. I've been needing to tell it for a long time. Do you mind? Why, come on. I'm not going to tell you anything. I'm just going to tell you something. Do you mind? Of course I don't mind. Well, then I'll tell you. A few years ago, I was skipper of a little schooner. Used to sail up and down the East Coast, you know, Boston, New York. Yeah. Well, one night we hit dirty weather off New Jersey, real dirty. Blew us off course and we piled up on the rocks and knocked the bottom out. That's too bad. There was 18 passengers aboard, Marshall. Four of them was kids. We never saw them again. No. And my own, my own wife and my kid went down too. I'm sorry. Well, now something must have happened to me after that. I didn't want nothing to do with, with ships or the sea. And I started to drift out this way. I couldn't forget though, do you know? And I didn't want to be near folks, especially kids, to remind me, do you know? Yeah. Well, it's how come I've been slewing around ever since. Sure, I understand. Just kind of wanted to get it off my chest. Sure. Marshall, I'd like to ride into Dodge with you tomorrow. You think I might meet some of them folks you was telling them about? Oh, I don't see why not. That'd be all right. Maybe I wouldn't need to drift no more. Maybe I could drop anchored, you know. Yeah, you might at that. Yes. Well, good night. Good night. Merry Christmas, Marshall. Merry Christmas, Mr. Kelly. Gunsmoke, under the direction of Norman MacDonald stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal. Tonight's story was specially written for Gunsmoke by Anthony Ellis, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in the cast were Lawrence Dobkin with Harry Bartel and John Dana. Parley Bear as Chester, Howard McNear as Doc, and Georgia Ellis as Kitty. Gunsmoke is heard by our troops overseas through the worldwide facilities of the Armed Forces Radio Service. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gunsmoke. Tomorrow night, Edgar Bergen's real-life daughter, Candy, pays him and you a visit on the Edgar Bergen Show with Charlie McCarthy. Candy and Charlie hit it off fine, but Edgar has caused a regret his hasty decision to invite his six-year-old daughter into the show, especially when she starts throwing her voice. Sounds like fun. Tomorrow night, on most of these same stations, when CBS Radio presents the Edgar Bergen Show with Charlie McCarthy. This is Roy Rowan speaking. And remember, Eve Harden as our Miss Brooks teaches you how to laugh every Sunday on the CBS Radio Network.