Now Sugar Crinkle, the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet, is proud to present Gunsmoke. Around Dodd City and in the territory on west, there's just one way to handle the killers and spoilers and that's with a US Marshal and the smell of Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke, the story of the violence that moved west with young America, the story of a man who moved with it, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. Say if there ever was a cereal designed to boost a family's breakfast morale, it's new Sugar Crinkle. Why that sugar rice treat that's just right sweet, makes breakfast more fun than a circus. Come breakfast time, just pour on milk and you've got a breakfast main dish as you like it. Those golden nuggets of sugar coated rice we call Sugar Crinkles are really special. Not too sweet the way some sugar coated cereal seem to be and not like others that don't seem sweet enough. Sugar Crinkles really are the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet and whether you eat them from the bowl for breakfast, from the pack as a snack or both ways, you love Sugar Crinkles. Try them soon. And now Gunsmoke starring William Conrad. One thing about Dodge being quiet like this, there's time for fishing. Beer, steak and catfish stew makes for a good supper. You two are gonna be sick stuffing yourselves that way. Now Kitty, Chester spent all day catching these fish, he's got a right to eat what he wants. I've heard of people who go to bed with an asphity bag around their necks when they eat too heavy. I'd rather be sick. It's not so bad. Once you're used to it, it kind of lulls you to sleep. More coffee Miss Kitty? No thanks Chester. It's late, I better get back to my place. You're a good cook Chester. Oh Fay thank you. Have you ever got tired of the law business Chester? Maybe you could get a job at Doe Monaco. The regular customers might get a little tired of catfish stew Matt. Come on Kitty I'll walk you back. All right. Will I see you in the morning Mr. Dillon? I'll be at the office early and I want to ride out to Jim Reddigo's place and look at a horse. Can I go with you? Sure, maybe you'll see something you'd like to have. We'll leave early before it gets too hot. Good night. Good night Mr. Dillon, Miss Kitty. Good night. Reddigo's place is gonna look kind of nice. All them trees growing up around the house that way. He's done pretty good in a year's time. Of course it's a long way out of Dodge. You need space to raise good horses Chester. Yes sir I know but it must get mighty lonesome out here. I don't think that bothers Jim much. Looks from here like his corrals and cat's pens are empty Mr. Dillon. Maybe he's moved his horses out to get the last of the summer grass. You got any special horse in mind? The last time he was in Dodge Jim was bragging up a sorrow stud he's got. Might take $30 for him. Well good horses come high Mr. Dillon. Yeah let's pull up here. No horses will stand. Quiet like isn't it? Jim? Jim Reddigo. Maybe he's not here. He can't have gone far. He didn't even push the door shut. I guess he won't mind if we go in and boil up a pot of coffee. There's a pot already on the stove. Looks like he was just about to fry up some side meat. Pot's full. Jim must have spent the night away from here. The stove's cold Chester. Well maybe he had early this morning. This stove hasn't been lit for longer than that. The man doesn't leave side meat lying uncooked on a skillet. You sure don't figure Mr. Dillon. I ain't armed Mr. Don't shoot. What? Don't shoot me. Nobody's gonna shoot you old man. Well come on in. I seen you right up. I was hiding out back. Who are you? I'm Jed Cuff. What are you doing here? I work for young Jim Reddigo but not anymore. What are you talking about? They come riding up and they kill Jim. Two nights ago it was. I was hiding but I got hungry and I come in to get something to eat. Reddigo's dead? Laying dead against the water trough out back. They shot him. Can I eat something? Who shot him? The men who come take the horses. They killed Jim and then they run his horses off. Jim tried to fight them but it was two of them against the one of him. I thought you were here. I run away. I was scared. Cold coffee is better on empty stomach. He's running out of his head Mr. Dillon. Yeah. Oh man. Jed Cuff. That's me. Well show us where Jim is. I ain't a brave man Mr. I run away from all them guns. That's okay Jed. You'll just take us to Jim. Out back. That's where he's laying. I'll show you. But before he died Mr. Jim killed one of them horse thieves dead. He's laying out here too. You think this old man's telling the truth Mr. Dillon? As straight as he can remember it Chester. Chester he's old not very bright anyway. There he is. There's Jim. There's another fellow laying right where Jim shot him out of his saddle. Jim was a fine boy but I was scared and I run out the back way and hid where they couldn't see me. Jed did you know these two men? Had you ever seen them before? No Mr. I never. Chester see if you can find a shovel. It took less than an hour to bury Jim Redigo and the other men. When we were through Jed put a sort of marker on each grave and we went to the house. Chester and I found some food in the cupboard and we fed the old man. Then we started in for dodge happy enough a strident old donkey we found grazing free behind the house. Then Chester and I watered our horses and a few minutes later rode away from the Redigo place following the two-day old sign of the stolen horses. About sundown we saw a long column of riders moving towards the north. It could be cavalry out of Fort Larnet or maybe Indians or Indians. If it is Indians we are get out of here. They're riding too slow to be a war party Chester. It's Indians all right. Cavalry wouldn't circle that way. Then we're gonna go right up to them? Hell if we can. Hey look they've stopped. Yeah. How many you figure there are? Maybe 60 70 might be a whole Indian village on the move if it is they're not looking for trouble. I hope not. They're waiting for us all right. Now when we get up to them keep both your hands on the saddle horn. Yes sir. All right heads up. They're just sitting there looking at it. They'll talk when they're ready. I am quick knife. My name is Matt Dillon. My braves and I have watched you come. You are looking for the white man. That's right. The white man sold us horses. I'll squawd ride them now. He stole those horses from another white man. He bought the horses with gold. He killed a man when he stole. You have come to take back the horses and punish the man. Yeah. The horses you cannot take. The man you must find for yourself. The horses are ours now. There are two of you and many of us. All right quick knife. What about the man? He left the horses with us and rode west. His name is Tebow. How long ago? Not long. He knows someone is following him and he's afraid. His trail will not be hard to follow. Thank you quick knife. Just a minute. Don't look back. Well now what were you going to say? Nothing. Only they're still just sitting back there on their horses. Mr. Dillon watching us. Yeah. I was just a bit scared. Was you? Yeah I think maybe I was. Well are we gonna track Tebow now Mr. Dillon? Yeah we'll track him Chester and we'll find him. If your family is getting weary of the same old breakfast cereal every morning time to retire it and introduce him to new sugar crinkles. Say new sugar crinkles is the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet and I'm here to tell you sugar crinkles make breakfast more fun than a circus. Golden crisp nuggets of sugar coated rice and every nugget in your breakfast bowl just right sweet. Forget your experience with sugar coated cereals that seem too sweet and with others that don't seem sweet enough. Treat yourself and your favorite family to new sugar crinkles at breakfast time and snack time too. Now back to gun smoke. Soon after we left the Indians night came and we couldn't track Tebow any farther. The next day we rode hard following his trail towards the west. The prairie stretched out gray and green before us and several times out on the horizon we saw puffs of dust rising. We knew Tebow was somewhere ahead of us. He must have been riding a good animal because when dust came we hadn't closed in on him. It was dark when we spotted a nester's cabin and pulled up. You think maybe he's hiding out in there Mr. Dillon? Yeah he could be just keep your eyes open. Well who knows we can't track him at night. Don't you think maybe he'd just keep a going? Well any man's got to sleep and eat sometime Chester. Yeah sure that's true. What do you want? I thought maybe we could get some food and water our horses. Who are you? My name's Dillon. We don't have many strangers out here. I'm a US Marshal. Well I've got some tater soup work. Well thank you. This is Chester Proudfoot. How do you do ma'am? You just set at the table there. Thank you. You're a long ways out here. We was headed for Colorado territory. We never made it. You're a widow woman? No, just the boy that died. Maybe that's why my man and I stopped here. He built this place. Here you are. Thank you. Say there's real stout soup. Where is your husband? Hutton. Night Hutton's a pretty poor thing isn't it? Sometimes the body don't have much choice. When will your husband be back? You're asking a lot of questions mister. I told you I'm a US Marshal. People have good luck and bad. Ours has been mostly bad. I'm looking for a man called Tebow. I don't know him. Yours is the only place we've seen he came this way. My man's name is Kurch. Abe Kurch. We don't know anybody called Tebow. Well thank you Miss Kurch. We'll water our horses and get moving. Get moving. Thank ma'am. With mighty tasty soup. You're riding on now ain't you? Yes that's right. You can water your horses right out there in front. Good night. Well one thing she wasn't too talky of a woman at least. Living out here so long maybe she's lost a habit. Yeah maybe. This cussied buckskin can drink more water than a Texas mule. Yeah they've had enough. All right let's ride. Mr. Dillon. I can't see no dog on track in all this dark. Never mind. Yes sir but how are we gonna see. Just ride and be quiet Chester. Yes sir Mr. Dillon. All right hold on. Now let's get these horses hobbled. Oh I think they'll stand Mr. Dillon. I want to make sure they do. Yes sir. Then we'll walk back to the Nestor's cabin. Walk back? Well what in the world for? That woman said her husband was out hunting but there was a Sharps 50 leaning in the corner. The man doesn't go hunting and leave his gun home. All right come on. It could be Mr. Kirch took another gun with him. He's too poor to have another gun. Well where do you think he is? I don't know but there's something wrong back there Chester. His wife was mighty anxious to be rid of us. Usually it's hard for a traveler to break away the people are so hungry for news and a little talk. I guess that's right. Yeah now watch where you put your feet. Yes sir. It only took a few minutes to make our way back to the Nestor's cabin where a pale light showed through the chinking and under the door. Some 30 feet short of the cabin we stopped. We could hear voices inside. I motioned to Chester and we stretched out flat against the ground and then inched our way closer. Now we could make out it was a man and woman talking. One voice was Ms. Kirch and the other was either her husband or Tebow. He ain't hurt bad. There's blood on his face. I hit him to keep him from talking out. Just come around. I got rid of those two men like you told me. He said you wouldn't hurt him if I did that. Wait a minute Chester. I just hit him on the head now shut up. We ain't never harmed nobody. I did what you said and I... I told you to shut up. You open your mouth again and I fix your husband good. Get your food out on that table. Gotta have me something to take along. Chester he's busy now packing up that food. Crawl around to the back of the cabin then make some noise. It doesn't matter just so he knows somebody's out back. I don't know yet. I'll get going. You take all that? What we gonna eat? So hungry. Those men here were the law weren't they? One man said he was the boss of the company. They've been following you. You must have done something bad, real bad. I killed a man who talked too much woman and I... Come with us back. Please don't. Shut up. I'm going out. If you make a sound or I'll come back for you. I'm going out. If you make a sound or I'll come back for you. All right Tebow drop it. I can see you Tebow drop your gun or I'll kill you. Well now hold on mister. Let's talk a minute. You can't shoot at my voice. Now drop it. No I won't. Everything all right Mr. Dillon? Yeah sure. Kind of too bad you had to kill him. But then they'd have hung him for a horse thief anyway. Yeah. And he killed Jim Redigo too Mr. Dillon. Forget it Chester. Yes. Now we better get into the cabin. There's nothing we can do out here. We did what we could to make Kurtz rest comfortable. And then sat up half the night talking to his wife. About Dodge, the railroad, stores. All the news of a woman to be hungry for. And the next morning early Chester and I started on the ride back to Toulouse. And we got to know the news. Well it was a great day. And we got to know what we were hungry for. And the next morning early Chester and I started on the ride back to Dodge. It was clear and bright and we made good time. Chester riding along feeling mighty proud. The nester had said he couldn't feed another horse. And so Chester was trading his own buckskin and riding the big red stud that Tebow had been using. And Tebow, who had stolen the stud a few days earlier from Jim Redigo, was buried out on the prairie. With stones piled on his grave to keep off the coyotes. In just a moment we'll tell you about next week's adventure on Gun Smoke. If you want to be a real good scout mom, tell you what to do. See that your whole tribe sits down to post-toasties for breakfast in the morning. What a way to start the day for every big and little Indian in your wigwam. You see, post-toasties are heap good corn flakes. Crisp, spankin' fresh, crisp, with that sweet kernel corn flavor toasted right in. It's a feather in your cap to serve them. Sure, because post-toasties are not only the best thing that's happened to corn since the Indians discovered it. Post-toasties are the best thing that ever happened to breakfast. And say, if you want to make a good thing even better, add your favorite fruit to that bowl full of post-toasties, sugar and milk. Mmm, it's mighty delicious nourishment. Get post-toasties, the heap good corn flakes, next time you shop. Gun Smoke under the direction of Norman MacDonald stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal. Tonight's story was specially written for Gun Smoke by Norman MacDonald, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in the cast were Helen Cleave, Ralph Moody, James Nusser, and Paul Freese. Harley Bear is Chester, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. Ken Peters speaking. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal, tries to prevent mass murder during his fight to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gun Smoke. Listen next week at this time when Gun Smoke will be brought to you by post-toasties, the heap good corn flakes.