Around dark city and of the territory on west there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers and that's what the US Marshal on the spell of gun smoke gun smoke starring William Conrad the transcribed story of the violence that moved west with young America the story of a man who moved with it Matt Dylan United States Marshal good morning ma'am I know sit down sit down how do you like my office never saw you in a riding skirt before kidding you've been riding side settle for the first time in my life at least I know how to do it now case I'm ever called on to be a lady I know ladies who don't always ride side settle sure that female wildcat down the panhandle you told me about what's her name Oh Bell Star I bet she never rides side settle Bell Star's a lady though and everybody treats her like one even though she has to use a six gun to make them do it maybe I ought to try that it takes more than a six gun to make a lady kitty it's a funny way of putting it well that isn't the husband oh Miss Kitty how are you Chester hey I just come to lawn we're near Mr. Dylan but trouble Chester not yet but there's gonna be some dark long gets to town hard long he's always been a peaceful man and they one of those nesters out near Sam Baxter's ranch that's him but it's another one them nesters is talking up trouble fellow named Hoffer he's saying he's gonna shoot out long on site well is he drunk just yes or some armed he's got that biggest old cavalry pistol you ever saw stuck right in his belt real farmers style well that may be true kitty but those horse pistols go off sometimes by later Matt yeah well if I can't get it so on sure sounds like he means it was no why does he want to kill long Chester well sir he didn't say maybe he's just drunk and wants to shoot somebody anybody no sir he Hoffer's pretty certain about who it's gonna be all right Chester don't stand too close and Casey puts up a fight her no sir. Oh. Right there or maybe right over there I don't know I just where you're name Hoffer Barnaby Hoffer. What's the trouble between you and Art long. You friend is that doesn't matter yes it does because if you're a real good friend I might take it to mind to shoot you to have a US Marshal Mr and you're not going to shoot anybody. Marshall Dillon I'll take that pistol off her. Okay Marshall. Take it. All right that's only what this is all about I don't need no pistol. I said. No I'm going to cut you again. Give me that knife back you're kind of hard to convince. The. Did he cut you bad Mr Dillon you opened up my arm a little bit Chester I better go see Doc you throw him in jail yes sir I sure will. There's a saying that it's the gentle horse that's most dangerous you don't watch him close enough and so with Barnaby Hoffer a farmer who hands you his own horse pistol and then snatches an eight inch knife from the back of his belt. Well Doc took a few stitches my arm and told me to come back in a couple of days and I did and it looked pretty good but then at least I thought so. You're going to have to watch that cut man it might be an infection. What are you talking about Doc which is clean as rain to me. Well how do you know what that idiot's been using his knife on. Probably sticks hogs with it all day and uses it to clean his boots. Yeah sure but my arm bled a lot that got it clean that and all the turpentine you poured into it hurt. You know someday Doc if my luck holds I'm going to get a chance to work on you. You know I'd sooner die I'd sooner lie in the snow and bleed to death all alone without anybody around even to burn me. How did you get in the snow Doc. Oh I just hate snow. Oh yeah. Oh come in come in. Oh hello Chester. Hey Doc. Hey Mr. Dillon. Art Long has been killed. What? Yes sir. A cowboy just come into the office and told me. Said he rode by his cabin this afternoon and he found him there laying right in the door. Barnaby Hoffer must have done it. Hoffer? I thought you had him in jail Matt. Well I turned him loose next morning Doc he seemed calm enough then. I guess I made a mistake. I guess you did all right. Maybe we shouldn't have stopped to bury Art Long. Hoffer may be a long way from here but now. We couldn't leave him lying there Chester. No sir I guess not. Well I guess we should. I think we should. I think we should. I think we should. I think we should. I think we should. I think we should. I think we should. We couldn't leave him lying there Chester. No sir I guess not. Poor fella. Oh there's Hoffer's cabin. Yes sir. Hey we've done pretty good at that. It's hardly past daylight. Looks like his door is open. Yeah then he must be inside. He wouldn't go off and leave his door open. No. Hey wait a minute. Look over there Chester. Why it's him. Oh he looks dead. Yeah come on. He's been shot Mr. Dillon. With a shotgun. Just like Art Long. Well he's still breathing. Hoffer. Hoffer. Marshall Dillon Hoffer. Hey. Marshall. Huh? I'm torn all apart. Took a load of buckshot. Took a load of buckshot. When I opened the door. Who did it Hoffer? Did you see him? Sam Baxter. Sam Baxter? He did it. Who killed Art Long Hoffer? The Jew. Art Long. Is he dead? Yeah. Both of us. Dead. I don't want to die. It's a wonder he lived this long. Gosh Mr. Dillon I just can't believe Sam Baxter doesn't he. Why? Just because Baxter's a big rancher and pretty respectable. He's also a mean old devil. And these men are nesters. Come on let's go find him Chester. Hello. Anybody home? Home. Why it's Marshall Dillon and Chester. Hello Miss Baxter. Well don't stand around out there come on in sit awhile. Thank you. I got two pots of coffee on the stove. Well we don't want to bother you now Miss Baxter. Bother? Why love company. And besides you don't get out this way very often Marshall. You're just going to have stamy dinner with us. Sam, Sam we got company. Hello Baxter. What are you doing here Marshall? Why Sam that's no way to. Shut up woman. Please Sam don't talk like that. You want to get whupped instead? Well do you? No Sam. I asked what you're doing here Marshall. Yeah, yeah I heard you. Well say it out we're busy around here. You know Art Long and Barnaby Hoffer. I know them. Dirty nesters. Now they're both dead Baxter. Good. Oh no. They both got killed the same way. Why do I care how they got killed as long as they're dead. I'm going to tell you anyway Baxter. Each of them when he came out of his cabin first thing in the morning was killed by a man waiting outside with a shotgun. Well you know all that. You weren't there. Barnaby Hoffer was still alive when we got there Baxter. Still alive? He died pretty quick but before he did he told me who shot him. Did he? And who was that Marshall? You. Oh no. No it couldn't be. I'm sorry ma'am but that's what he said. I'm going to have to arrest you Baxter. Arrest me? On the word of a dead sod buster? Who's going to believe it? The court will decide that but it's enough evidence to hold you on. What makes you think Hoffer wasn't lying? He knew he was going to die and it was his last chance to get me in trouble. You'll get a trial Baxter and you can defend yourself there. Right now you're going to jail. I'm charging you with two murders. But Art Long was dead. He didn't tell you nothing Marshall. He and Hoffer were killed exactly the same way ma'am. Looks like one man killed both of them. Come on Marshall if we're going to jail let's go. And you stay out here woman. I don't want you running into Dodge all the time I'm there. Alright Sam. And don't go talking your fool head off to everybody about this either. I won't. When we get this business over with Marshall I'm going to give you a lot of trouble. You're going to wish you'd never come near me. Come in. Be with you in a minute Matt. As soon as I get Kitty fixed up here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh Matt. Kitty. What's that a black eye? What happened? It's none of your business. How's your arm Matt? His arm's alright Kitty. He just comes up here to bother me. Somebody's got to keep you from sleeping all day Doc. Oh don't forget I'm making pretty good money off that cut of yours. Thanks Doc. Matt a sandwich please. No I've spent two days trying to get him to but he won't admit a thing. Well if he does hang there won't be many tears shed around here. Yeah there's Miss Baxter Kitty. For some reason she really loves him. That poor woman. I've seen how he treats her. Too bad she hasn't got a son to stand up for. Some kid about eight feet tall. He'd be about eight feet tall if he was Sam Baxter's. Well that man's tall as a tree. Is he still wearing that white hat I hear? He's still wearing that white hat. Is he still wearing that white hat I hear? Yeah the only time he takes it off is when he sleeps Kitty. Then he puts it over his face. It must be like sleeping under a horse blanket. No wonder he's so ornery all the time. Oh come in. Well come on in friends. Oh downstairs told me I could find the marshal up here. What can I do for you mister? I've never been in Dodge City before marshal. I ain't even been in Kansas very long. I'm riding south. I got tired of that cold up north. Well you're welcome here. I'm going on south. What I come to tell you was there's a little creek runs out of our Kansas about 20 miles from here. A fella told me it's called Ginger Creek. That's up near Sam Baxter's ranch. That's on his ranch according to him. What about Ginger Creek mister? Some fella's got a little cabin there with a corral out in back. I don't know his name. That'll be Jim Fowler. He's been homesteading there for about a year. No more he ain't. What do you mean? I buried him myself early this morning. I come by and found him laying in the door of his cabin. He was dead but still bleeding. I saw him plumb in two with a shotgun. We will return for the second act of Gunsmoke in just a moment. But first, Radio's outstanding theater of thrill, Suspense, launches its new summer series Tuesday nights on most of these same stations with more spine-chilling stories packed with excitement and well calculated to keep you in suspense. This Tuesday, here the Earth is made of glass in which a man experiments with crime on a scientific basis. Suspense now Tuesday nights at the Stars address. Don't miss it. Now the second act of Gunsmoke. Music Mr. Dillon, looky there. What is it, Chester? Out there in the street, it's Miss Baxton. She's coming to bug you. Ah, news travels fast, doesn't it? You going to turn old Sam Baxton loose? I don't have much to hold him on now, Chester. No, sir. Not with him right here in jail when that last fellow was killed the same way as Art Long and Hoffer. Shucks, I guess he was telling the truth after all. Yeah, it looks that way. Well, I'm glad for Miss Baxton anyway. I'll open the door for her. I'll open the door for her. I'll open the door for her. Well, morning Miss Baxton. Hello, Chester. Come right on in, Miss. Thank you. Hello, Miss Baxton. Marshal Dillon, I'm sure glad to see you this time. Well, I hope there aren't any hard feelings, ma'am. Oh, you was only doing your duty. I respect that. Where's Sam? Oh, the cells are up back. Oh, you haven't turned him loose yet? No, ma'am. It's too bad about Jim Fowler, Marshal, being killed that way. But it was just like the others, wasn't it? The same man killed all three of them. And Sam was right here in jail. Well, I was just saying that Chester knew sure travels fast. How'd you hear about it so soon? It just happened this morning. What? One of our cowboys rode by there about noon, Marshal. He came straight to the ranch and told me about it. Would you let Sam out now? I'd like to get started for home. I'm sorry, Miss Baxter, but I'm going to have to hold him for a while yet. But why, Marshal? What for? Well, Mr. Dillon, a few minutes ago you said yourself... I said that he wasn't clear of this yet, Chester. You don't listen very close, Chester. Well, sir, I... I sure don't. Marshal, you said that whoever killed Hoffer killed Art Lone, since they was both shot the very same way. Well, I know I did, ma'am, but I've been thinking a lot about it, and I'm just not sure yet. Even with the same thing happening again this morning? Well, I've got to admit that does make a difference, all right. I suppose if one more man got killed like that, I wouldn't have any case at all against your husband. But the way things are now, I've got to hold him, ma'am. I'm sorry about it. Well, it's like I said, Marshal. You've got to do your duty. Yes, ma'am. If there's anything I can do for you, Miss Baxter... Thank you, Marshal, but I'm all right. Can I see Sam before I start back? Of course, ma'am. He's right through that door. I can't stay long. Chester, you've been up on Ginger Creek since I have. Yes, sir. Isn't there another nester there not far from Jim Fowler's cabin? A couple of miles beyond, there's one. I don't know his name, though. All right, it doesn't matter. Chester, go get our horses, huh? And bring a horse for Sam Baxter, too. He's going to go up there with us. I don't know what you're up to, Marshal, but I'd rather be in jail and spending the night in this place. It's a nice little cabin he's got here, Baxter. Yeah, you improved it some when you sent him into Dodge for the night. It's almost daylight, Mr. Dillon. Okay, Chester. Now I'm going to build a fire now and let whoever's waiting outside think his victims just got up. What makes you think you'll be there this morning, Marshal? Well, if he isn't, we'll stay here till he does come. Mr. Dillon, you want me to pull the door open when you're ready? I'll tell you when, Chester. And after he gets off a couple of blasts with that shotgun, we'll go out and try to take him alive. All right, Baxter, you get over there, will you, Chester? I'll get over there, Chester. And I'll try to get this thing started. All we're going to need is a little smoke going up through the chimney. Maybe we can come back when it's all over and cook a little breakfast, Mr. Dillon. We'll worry about breakfast later, Chester. Yes, sir. Here! Baxter, you stop that! What? Wait, he's got my gun, Mr. Dillon. You're standing in my way, Chester. Move! Oh, he got outside. Come on! Drop that gun, Baxter. I got him, Marshal. I hit him both times. Drop it, I said. All right. I was only helping out, Marshal. Look, he's laying right out there. Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, Mr. Dillon. I never thought he'd try nothing like that. Walk ahead of me, Baxter. Oh, sure. Marshal, look, it's my wife. Yeah, she's dead. I didn't know who it was, Marshal. I couldn't see who it was. How did I know she was doing this? Going around killing people. Your wife shot Jim Fowler yesterday morning. I didn't know she hated nesters that much. Well, it's kind of hard to believe, Marshal. Yeah. But I guess you never know about a woman. Well, I can tell you about her, Baxter. Fowler's the only man she killed, and she didn't kill Fowler because she hated him. She did it because she loved you. What are you talking about? She was trying to cover up for you. Wait a minute. She almost did it, too. She almost kept you from hanging. She claimed one of your cowhands saw Fowler's body when I knew he'd already been buried. I had all the evidence I needed on her right then, Baxter. And the biggest mistake you made was killing her. I didn't know it was her. You knew. But what you forgot was that she'd have confessed to killing Wong and Hofer. Why would she? Because she loved you. Besides, she couldn't have been punished anymore for killing three men and for killing one. You got it all figured out, ain't you, Marshal? Yeah. Yeah, everything. Everything except how she could love a man like you. But then it's like you say. You never know about a woman. Gunsmoke, transcribed under the direction of Norman MacDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal. Tonight's story was specially written for Gunsmoke by John Meston, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in the cast were Joseph Kerns, Helen Cleve, Paul Savage, and Clayton Post. Parley Bear is Chester, Howard McNair is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty, Roy Rowan speaking. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gunsmoke. Gene Autry stops a lynching of an innocent man and tracks down the real killer on tomorrow's Gene Autry show. There's time out for melody on Melody Ranch, too, as Gene sings Down Yonder, Blue Canadian Rockies, and other Western hits. CBS Radio presents the adventure and melody of the Gene Autry show every Sunday on most of these same stations. Be listening tomorrow. Tonight, William Demarest and Hope Emerson as the Cobbs, Sunday nights on the CBS Radio Network. .