Gunsmoke brought to you by Chesterfield, America's most popular two-way cigarette. What a pair. Chesterfield King Size at the new low price. Chesterfield Regular. Around Dodge City and in the territory on west, there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers, and that's with the U.S. Marshal and the smell of Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke starring William Conrad, the transcribed story of the violence that moved west with young America and the story of a man who moved west. I'm that man, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal, the first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chancy job and it makes a man watchful and a little lonely. Good morning, Matt. Oh, hello, Doc. You had breakfast yet? I'm waiting for Chester to get back from the depot. Somebody told him there's a telegram for me. Telegram? You should have left it there, Matt. Why? A telegram usually means somebody's coming to Dodge looking for you. Or that you've got to go somewhere and look for them. Either way, it spells trouble. Well, if it wasn't for trouble, Doc, I wouldn't have a job. Well, then you ought to quit. It's a poor thing when a man has to make his living off of other people's troubles. Tell me, Doc, how long has it been since anybody came to you and told you how good they were feeling, huh? Say now. Oh, you know, I hadn't thought about it. Well, I guess we were pretty much alike after all, man. Well, hello, Chester. Hello, Doc. I got it, Mr. Dillon. What are you looking so glum about, Chester? What does it say? You better read it. Kind of private-like. Huh? U.S. Marshal, Dodge City, Kansas. Coming to get married. Noon train, Saturday. Meet me. Signed. Mavis McCloud. Oh, Mavis McCloud. Oh, that's a right pretty name. Oh, she's pretty, too. Where's she from, anyway? You really going to get married, Mr. Dillon? Hey, you're pretty foxy, Matt, keeping this a quiet. Now, wait a minute, you two. If you're all through talking, I'll tell you something. Hey, yes. Quiet, Chester. This is an important moment. Well, I'm listening. All right. All right. Now, this may be kind of a shock to you, but, uh, you know, I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm going to have to get back to work. for the u.s. marshals you know it i'm marshals within you got my telegram as i did it i said that's right you didn't have my name on it did you now that i know your name my goodness you didn't think i was coming to marry you did you about awful i mean how awful well i'm still a little confused with the clock uh... uh... this is uh... just a proud foot how do you do i'm proud to know you ma'am and me so sorry marshall dylan i guess i should have explained more in the telegram that's all right uh... who did you come here to marry i don't know you don't know well not yet i just got here you two are the only man i've met uh... just a yesterday at the people there and see if you can find kidding with i sure will tell me something how old are you i'll be nineteen and how are you from why not because it isn't polite for a gentleman to ask a lady so many personal questions but why did you send me that telegram because i thought i'd be safe with you help helping you do what look like that i'm not crazy they need women out here don't think well don't think that you know yeah yeah i think they need to and i'll make a good wife to of course it'll have to be the right man marshall i won't marry just anybody and you can't stop shaking your head like that uh... on that okay this is made this month how many welcome to dot like thank you kidding i don't know that's going to all about it don't mind the marshall made it and i did a little slow down the family thing certainly when he's been looking at me though i were a bug at some time you take care of it with a kid a lot of go try to figure something out you'll be okay and uh... that you can't eat don't and don't worry i won't take it to the texas uh... you let me know if you need anything uh... besides a husband i think what up there what about we're talking about king-size chesterfield at the new low-priced and chesterfield regular they're the quality quit up best cigarette ever made either way you like them you get the same highest quality same low nicotine the same wonderful taste a refreshing smoke every time so change to chesterfield america's most popular two-way cigarette by a carton today you get highest quality with king-size chesterfield at the new low-priced you get highest quality with chesterfield regular what up there they are they satisfy millions their best for you the next few weeks i thought worried about but i should have known i was waste of my time she met a young fellow called barney wales and three days later they got married kitty called it a lot of first about anyway i knew barney and he was a sober hard-working cowboy started a little spread of his own it was a good match look like they were going to make up these type of stuff so one day when i was sitting in the office trying to keep cool looking for marshall comment alaya uh... remember that i just have to go yet surely will from st louis marshall now let's not waste the more time if you don't mind uh... i don't mind still a are you looking for you know i'm looking for maybes mccrown also uh... what do you want to work that's my business marshall or maybe where she what makes you think i'd know sent you a telegram from st louis i know she was headed out here somewhere so i checked maybe it is the kind of arrive in a place i'm no i see whether you're gonna tell me where she is or not so i know why you want to see her i'll find myself she's around here somewhere she is married she's married now why don't you go on back to st louis forget about it who'd she marry what difference does it make you're not gonna bother her you'll see about that and meantime i hold you responsible for this marshall okay i'm responsible one of we settled right now no i'll find her first marshall and after i've killed a husband i'll come looking for you forevermore there's about the blood there's just not i ever did seem if you don't keep going kill everybody ali might try it just it i think i've got a right up and talk to barney wales notion of today well barney and maybes there in town today i think more the back house this morning there's been a right there i'll go find them there before lou staley does uh... hello barney marshall bill on come on in and maybe it's it's a market how are you there's no i'm fine i mean we're fine but we've got it we sure are you got a right out and have dinner with us on sunday marshall maybe if you're the best dog on cook you ever saw uh... be strange if a girl from st louis couldn't cook why'd you say that marshall maybe think st louis least why she never told me she was it doesn't matter where i'm from doesn't bernie course not but how'd the marshall know there's only one way lou staley told him lou staley well i don't know about it but uh... he says he's gonna kill you marion maybes he loves you too that it may be not exactly well what i made up the name of clout body my real name there's only one thing i want to know you love him okay let him come marshall i'll find no no you go out to your ranch i'll take care of state i've never run from a fight in my life not only in the start now it's no use arguing if the state is looking for me to find me what's the armed with marshall six gun carries it in his belt i'll go about my business here like always but i'll keep one eye open uh... and i'm not sure uh... john and i are you kidding i was in there with just a little earlier or we are at the park anything to stay out of the saloon for a while what do you want me to talk others are mad over there at the park called do looking for one out of the influence daily jury here i thought maybe made us mcclough might have said something about it he's never mentioned but i'm not a payment and she got married what about staley's kind of disappointed over a bit of scat says he's going to kill barney and and me and i don't know yeah i thought i'd rather hear from saint louis tell us sex lover maybus real name is staley i guess maybe it's kind of pulled off i can understand staley one of the killed by that's not my business how many of us messes up our life or anybody else's where there's wrong kidding no matter what the cause is wrong at work here seen us too well sat down and then they have a and i think and where's barney stock and business with them cattle buyers over at the dodge house doesn't know i'm here there's no place for you know it's good enough to get it i work here explained all that to you well i didn't come here for fun i ran into chester often the plant and he told me i find them staying here i've got to talk to him probably won't do any good but i've got to try well he's over there at the bar and i thought i didn't get walked up to the bottom of the world men want okay i'm ever so getting i guess i want to i find a sooner or later may have it i want to talk to you it's too late for talk i told you what i do and i'm going to do it i want to talk to you alone go up back to the door side over there nobody about it outside tomorrow don't do any good made it you know it won't i don't like this kidding talking but in fact uh... talking about stop him there was something wrong about him kate so i like it can't hear or see anything but himself like he is all alone in the world any man in love acts like that now maybe but i didn't think it just keep coming back at time up and throwing on a train for back east we should do some but no yeah come on what made made it and now she's still alive you've got to stay in that okay i'll get stale but i'm going to carry made us over the box first let her come along kitty which don't have to work thing i ever heard of people who are back says she's got a fair chance just until party about it and that blue state i'm not doing what i'm not you'll see well i hope one of your dad i hope so too maybe that's him stand over there i know that one of the heat cattle back others party with his back to us uh... party are you going what are you doing here martial wrong there is anything i can tell yeah there's something wrong what is it where's made it a little bit do you trust me sure do martial course why shouldn't on the reason that i want you to think about it when you wake up or dot you don't know anything about factor or get a rope time up but fix it so that you walk when it comes to take him to jail i want to get a lot of buyers there not body about and then i went out looking for a little bit i tried every saloon and gambling house and dodge but finally i gave it up one of the jail got just it was past midnight when we had a dodge house once more at a talk with a clerk and then what up barney and there's room off not just a real problem to be about what he came here to do heritage okay all right how you stand over there just so you'll be behind the door when it opens up they're going to be surprised it does come here and let's look clerk downstairs bungles it well all you've got to do is say barney come in a while ago and upstairs that sounds easy but he might get scared and say anything but there to be scared of a man who shoots women and the clerk doesn't know about that just and besides staley may be crazy but he's armed and he's dangerous yesterday barney got a real while when he come to find himself all tied up by the terrible time with him he's going to quiet just think it's him uh... i've wales account well all that right there your best cigarette by today is chesterfield there's chesterfield king's eyes at the new low-price and for your convenience chesterfield regular what up there either way you get the taste the mildness you want a refreshing smoke every time either way you get highest quality low nicotine by a carton of chesterfield their best for you in regular or king's eyes you can get them either way the best smoke ever made but just to feel you by today smokers cost a cost are changing it's a thing to do here's all you have to say to get the one that's best for you jester fields barney just a few army you just say it's just a bill for me that's docs office at the top of the stairs body he said mavis is going to be okay yeah she's doing fine here we are women are about last night out of town loose daily somehow out of killin anyway could march that might have been murdered by me i guess it's first time ever bank man for knocking me out let's go uh... party where's mavis doc and she's in the back room there and except for a little fever she's come along fine by me because you have to stay quiet for a few days you can't be moving around can't see her now dot sure i'd go ahead that made this story about the shooting you know what happened no what when she tried to take staley's gun away from him that's what they were fighting over and it went off he didn't try to kill her and that's funny about steve what man uh... most men would have tried to kill a wife that ran off and married somebody else or no you don't and maybe seems like such a nice girl now you never know mark maybe like okay hello martial that might want to tell you martial okay running already knows i told him yesterday after you left not going it's about loose day i know what you think but i've known him all my life martial and lou was crazy there was something wrong with him i guess i was ashamed of it i'd have told everybody sooner especially barney and you're not responsible for his being crazy who always did say he'd kill any man i'm there that's where i ran away you're asking an awful lot of it made us crazy and not loose daily wasn't my husband he was my brother you've been nothing but trouble to me ever since i got that telegram and i don't want to ever see you again unless it's a crusher dining room table some sunday l and m goes king-size l and m goes king-size now l and m is king-size as well as regular both have the same low price both have the miracle tip for the effective filtration you'd be it's the filter that counts and l and m had you get much more flavor much less nicotine a light and mild smoke yes this is it l and m filters just what the doctor ordered by a cotton king-size or regular both at the same low price l and m filters america's highest quality builder tips cigarette produced and directed by norman mcdonnell stars william conrad billin u right story was specially written for gun smoke by john meston with music composed and conducted by rex corey featured in the past with her a bar tell eleanor tannen and sam party there and georgia elisa don't think that that week dylan u.s. marshals like to bring a lot of other out of the wild violence of the west in gun smoke uh... remember next week at the same time test cbs radio network