Gun smoke brought to you by L&M filters. Make today your big red letter day, your L&M red letter day. Change to L&M. Around Dodge City and in the territory on West, there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers and that's with a US Marshal and the smell of gun smoke. Gun smoke starring William Conrad. The France broad story of the violence that moved west with young America and the story of a man who moved with it. I'm that man, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. The first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chance a job and it makes a man watchful and a little lonely. A lonesome town, Dodge City. A handful of sunburned buildings, half lost in the empty prairie, with a few scrawny cottonwood trees along the plaza, and the river, and the red clay bluffs to the south. A frontier town like all the others, except for one difference, we're on the railroad. So about once a day when the train starts whistling off in the east, the folks in Dodge listen and remember that they're part of a bigger world outside, a different world beyond the plains. Well, just looky there, Mr. Dillon, a brand new record this time pulling four coaches in a baggage car. Yeah, they keep getting longer all the time, brothers. Why, in eight or ten years, I bet you'll see six and seven coach trains rolling in to Dodge. It'd be more surprising if they'd ever get them in on time. Come on, let's pick up that strongbox and take it over to the bank. Looky there, dudes for the dozens, fooling and awing around. Just look at them, dressed fit to kill. They'll get over it, some of them at least. The rest of them will go back east. Well, there's one I sure hope don't. No. Why, if you want to meet her, why don't you drop in to Long Branch Saloon? She gonna work there? Do you know her, Mr. Dillon? No, but she's got that look. Hey Ed, it's Matt Dillon, open up. You know, this is what I ought to be, Mr. Dillon, a baggage person. Just one run away to Kansas City and back and collect your pay. Yeah, sounds pretty easy. Hey Ed! He's probably asleep. Nothing else to do the whole trip. Yeah, I suppose so. Let me get up there, Chester. Maybe I can see through the window. See anything? No, not much. This glass is so dirty. Chester, what's the matter? Go find Doc. I gotta break the latch on this door, now hurry. Careful now, Chester. Bear down just a little harder, it's starting to get... Watch your hand, Chester. All right, let's get her open. There he is, laying over there in the corner. Hey, uh... Ed. I guess he won't be answering, Matt. Two bullets right over the heart. Either one of them would have done the job. Yeah, but the baggage car was locked. Whoever done it couldn't have got out. Probably stepped out on the ledge there, slid the door shut behind him. The latch catches by itself. Oh, Matt. Yeah, what is it, Doc? There's another one down at the end of the car. What? What? It's just a kid. He's not over 10 years old. And he's been shot. Same as the baggage car. That's clear. Why, that's Ed's own boy, Billy Barton. Ed must have took him along on this one. Did they hurt bad, Doc? No, just grazed his head the way it looks. He'll pull through all right. Good. Look, I want to talk to the conductor and the train crew. You stay here and give Doc a hand, will you, Chester? Yes, sure I will. Oh, Chester, by the way, that soft job is open now if you want it. Matt? Ah, hello, Kitty. What happened, Matt? Somebody said the train was held up. Yeah, somebody got into the baggage car and killed Ed Barton, shot his son, took the strongbox, took the strongbox, around $20,000, I guess. And they got away? Yeah, it looks that way. Train crew figures it must have happened near the Walnut Creek crossing. Whoever did it dropped off when the train slowed down for the trestle there. What about the boy, Billy? No, he'll live. Doc's patching him up now. Poor little kid. Ed was all he had and now he's left with nobody. Yeah, it's too bad. It's going to be rough on Laura, too. She and Ed were planning to be married. That's what I heard. So I figured I'd better stop by and tell her. Well, maybe she can go back to Taggart and be still around. She left him when she and Ed start going together. She's not one to be without a man. Make it gentle, Matt. There's nothing gentle about death, Kitty. Marshall, nobody will tell me anything. What's happened? Ed's been hurt, hasn't he? Yes, I'm afraid he has, Laura. I knew that's what it was. Is it bad? Couldn't be any worse. No. No. I'm sorry, Laura. He's dead. No, Marshall. No. Kitty, will you take care of her? I gotta go see if the boy's able to talk yet. Don't worry about her, Matt. She'll be all right. Just get whoever did it, that's all. Don't let him get away with it. Well, I'm hoping the boy can help me in some way. As it is, I got nothing to go on. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. There now, son. I got you all fixed up. Now you're going to be all right. There's nothing to worry about. I'll bet you've been hurt worse just from bumping your head. Oh, it ain't hurting, Doc. I know, son. Make it sure as you can, Matt. He's pretty broke up about it. Yeah, all right, Doc. All right. Well, Billy, you feel like talking? I'm all right. What happened, Billy? Well, we was maybe two or four miles the other side of Walnut Creek and somebody knocked on the door of the car. The one that goes back toward the coaches. When Dad opened it, this man came in with a gun. Anybody you know? You ever seen him before? No, he had a handkerchief over his face. Well, was there anything special about him? His shape, size, or clothes, maybe? No, sir. Nothing I can remember. I don't know who he was, Marshall, but I know I hate him. Billy, what happened then when he came in with the gun? Well, he pointed at my dad and said he'd shoot him if he made a move. Dad grabbed for the shotgun on the wall, the man fired two times, and Dad fell. I started toward him and the man fired again. That's all I remember. Ah, I see. You don't figure that you'd know this man if you saw him again, huh? No, I don't guess so. Not unless he talked. What? I'd know his voice all right, even if he's trying to fool me. Well, why? What was special about it? I don't know exactly. It was kind of weak-like or something. It's hard to explain, but I'll know it any time I hear it. Well, we'll try to make sure you do hear it, Billy. Now, you take it easy now. You got that head all healed up, huh? I will. Okay. Chester. Yes, sir? Fix up one of the cells over at the jail, huh? I want to get the kid moved over there right away. Oh, why so, Mr. Hill? But now the whole town knows Billy's alive. He's the only witness who can identify the killer. And the killer knows it. Make today your big red letter day, your L&M red letter day. Superior taste and filter. It's the miracle tip. Make today your big red letter day. Change to L&M today. L&M's got everything. Superior taste. And superior filter. Get L&M today. This is it. L&M, superior taste and filter. Superior taste from tobaccos especially selected for filter smoking. Tobaccos that are richer, tastier, light and mild. And L&M's superior filter is white, pure white. Truly the miracle tip, because when it's added to L&M tobaccos, it actually improves your enjoyment of this great cigarette. Next time you buy cigarettes, look for the big red letters L&M. Smoke L&M filters. America's best filter tip cigarette. L&M's got everything. Get L&M today. So Billy Barton moved into a cell in the Dodge City jail. And Chester stayed with him most of the time to keep him company and to keep him alive. Meanwhile I combed the town from one end to the other. Brought in every gunslinger, saddle bum and drifter I thought might fit the bill. Get your hands up. Stand still. Don't make a move. Well what do you think Billy? Does that sound anything like him? No sir. I mean maybe it's kind of like him. But he's not the one more. Yeah. Now all right Chester, take him out. Oh and bring in Hawkely will you? See Billy it takes time but we'll get him sooner or later. This is a preposterous outrage, Marshal. This is an unmitigated insult. Meant my character and integrity to be dragged in here. You're a sniveling card sharp and you've been dragged into half the jails west of the Mississippi. Marshal, I beg your pardon. Just keep talking Pegasus. Well, true of course one or two occasions in the past I was accused falsely, basely, unjustly with deliberate malice. Accused of certain more or less shitty criminal activities which goes without saying I was entirely innocent and blame. It ain't him Marshal. His voice ain't nothing like it. That's too bad I've been trying to nail him on something for the last year. All right Pegasus, you can shut up now. I said that's enough. All right, throw him out Chester then bring in the next one. How much longer am I going to have to stay here Chester? Well that's kindly hard to say Billy. Oh it must have been over a week already. Oh yeah something like that I guess. How about a nice game of checkers? Oh I'm tired of checkers. Well, Cassini-o then. That's a good interesting game. I don't want, I want to get out of here. Well now we got to give that head of yours time to heal up proper. Oh that ain't the reason. I know why you and the Marshal are keeping me here. Well it's just because we're. No you think that man on the train's gonna try and kill me. That's how come you're doing it. Now whatever could give you an idea like that. You ain't gonna find him. He wouldn't stay around here. He's halfway to St. Louis by now. Well now Billy you just can never tell why that fellow might be. Sit tight Billy. Yes sir. Who is it? Who's there? Is that you Chester? Oh Miss Laura. Hey just a minute. Sorry to keep you waiting Miss Laura. That's all right. Well how are you Billy? All right I guess. Well do you suppose I could interest a couple of hungry men in some home cooked food. Oh yes ma'am you sure could. Here let me take that basket. Oh look at that. Why that's better than last year's search social. How's your head Billy? All right I guess. Well I've got something here that's gonna make it better in a hurry. Oh what's that? Slice of rum cake. One of the girls I work with had it sent all the way from New York and I talked her out of a piece of it. Just for you. Well now. Well now. What do you say for that Billy? Thank you. Ah you're welcome Billy. You'd better sit right down here and help us eat up some of this good food Miss Laura. Well I'd like to Chester but I got a change to get on over to the Long Branch. My work day's just starting you know. Well we sure do appreciate this. Well I'll see you later. Billy I know it's sort of understood that you're gonna go live with Miss Austy over at the boarding house when you leave here but. Well I've. I've always wanted a little boy. One all my own and I. Well I'd kind of like for it to be you. Well. You don't have to answer now but. Think it over Billy. Yes ma'am. Huh. Good night you two. Good night Miss Laura. Well now. What do you think about that. It's all right I guess. All right. Well I think it's just fine. Billy let me get a knife from under my mattress and we'll try out these viddles of yours. Have a drink with me Matt. No not right now. Thanks. Dead buttons murder still bothering you. Yeah I guess so. You can't win every hand. But this one's different kidding it was killed in cold blood. Billy a kid of that age shot down and left to die. Somebody's gonna pay for it. It could be following a cold trail Matt might have been a drifter. Someone who never even came near Dodge. Now I don't think so for one reason only three people were ever told when those money shipments were being made me and Ed and Mr. Botkin over at the bank and that killer knew knew exactly which trip to hit. Now it was somebody from this town. Had to be. Well it sounds that way all right. The killers here in Dodge and the money's here and sooner or later I'm gonna find them both. Well I hope it's sooner Matt you're beginning to look like a scarecrow. I'll make out. How's uh Laura getting along. Oh not too bad I guess. She's kept it to herself mostly hasn't talked about it. Might be better if she would. I've heard that she's started hanging around with Taggart again though. Taggart. I thought he went to Kansas City. Well he did a couple of weeks ago. I guess he's back again anyway one of the bartenders claims he saw him night before last over on the south side and of course that's where Laura lives. Taggart huh. She's even started talking like him again the last few days she's a regular parent you know that voice of his soft and sort of husky like. Yeah. Yeah I know. Thanks Kitty. For what. I'll see you later. Chester come on open up. All right I'm coming Mr. Dillon. Well it sure is good to see a face in the outside world Mr. Dillon. Is Billy all right. Well sure he is. Why wouldn't he be all. What's happening. I think I know who did it. Well how you making out Billy. How much longer have I got to stay here Marshal. Well I think it's just about over now. Say where'd all this come from. Miss Laura fetched it. Oh we had our self a real feed. At least I did. Billy wasn't very hungry. He didn't even eat the soup. He was just a little hungry. He didn't even eat the special slice of rum cake she brought for him. Special huh. What'd you do with it Billy. Well I'm sorry Marshal but I didn't warn you. I gave it to that old hound dog that's been hanging around. Oh I see. Chester I wonder if you'd step out back here for a second. All right Mr. Dillon. We'll be right back Billy. Chester go find Clint Murphy and have him come back here and keep an eye on Billy for the next hour. Well ain't no need for Clint. I'll be here. No you won't. We're gonna pick up a killer. I can't take any more chances. What do you mean. The dog. The one Billy gave his special cake to. Flying out there by the edge of the street. It's been poisoned. ☠ Make today your big red letter day, your L&M red letter day. Get superior taste and filter, it's the miracle tip. Make today your big red letter day, change to L&M today. L&M's got everything. Superior taste. And superior filter. Get L&M today. This is it. L&M, superior taste and filter. Superior taste from tobacco's especially selected for filter smoking. Tobacco's that are richer, tastier, light and mild. And L&M's superior filter is white, pure white. Truly the miracle tip because when it's added to L&M tobacco's, it actually improves your enjoyment of this great cigarette. Next time you buy cigarettes, look for the big red letters L&M. Smoke L&M filters. America's best filter tip cigarette. L&M's got everything. Get L&M today. No matter how many times you've done it before, the same thing always happens. Every time you start out to bring in a killer. You know what's waiting for you. The muscles under your belt not up and your heart starts to pound. But after a few minutes you go cold and loosen up, then it's all right. You stop thinking then. Stop feeling anything. You just go out and do the job. Nice night. Kindly peaceful light. Yeah. I swear I don't know Mr. Dillon, it just makes you wonder. What is it gets into people? I got no answer for you, Chester. That's where it placed there, the second one down. Yeah, I know. Do you think he'll be there? I think he'll be there. All right, stay clear Chester. Watch yourself. Yes, I will. She was just using Ed Martin so she could find out the date of the shipment. That's right. I can't understand. Get off. There he is there by the porch, Mr. Dillon. Over here by the back of the tree. He ain't got much curve in there. We must have caught him unexpected. He won't stay there. He'll make a run for it. We'll wait him out. I don't know Mr. Dillon. It don't look like he's... There he goes. Drop the gun. Taggart you're under arrest. Your last chance Taggart. All right, come on Chester. Well, I guess that's the end of it. No, not yet. What? You wait here. Yes, sir. Come in. You killed him, didn't you, Marshal? Put that gun down, Laura. The only man in this world I ever cared about. And you killed him. You'd never stop me with one shot and you know it. I'd still have time to draw and kill you. You're not the man to draw a gun on a woman. I never have before. But a little while ago I saw a dog lying dead in the street. If you'd have had your way it would have been a kid instead. So you better put that gun down and take your chances with the jury. Because you got no chance with me. You're under arrest. That kid. That's what beat us. The minute I heard he was alive. I knew it was starting to go wrong. It started long before that, Laura. What do you mean? When? The day you were born. And now our star, William Conrad. I'm telling you, the day you changed to L&M. Well, that's the day. Your big red letter day. No filter stacks up with L&M's pure white miracle tip. And I know you'll go for L&M's taste. Superior taste you get from L&M's superior tobaccos. Richer tastier tobaccos. Anytime look for those big red letters on the L&M pack. Gunsmoke, produced and directed by Norman McDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal. The special music for Gunsmoke was composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Sound patterns by Tom Hanley and Ray Kemper. Featured in the cast were Virginia Christine, Richard Fields, and Lawrence Stopkin. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McNear is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. Stop. Start smoking with a smile with Chester Field. Smoother, cooler, milder, Chester Field. Put a smile in your smoking, just give them a try. Chester Field's best for you. They satisfy. If you want tomorrow's better cigarette today, next time you buy cigarettes, stop. Remember only Chester Field is made the modern way with Accu-Ray. You'll notice how fresh and good Chester Field's made with Accu-Ray taste, how smooth they are, and how they satisfy. So buy Chester Field today. Smoother, cooler, best for you. Watch an entirely different Gunsmoke show tonight on your local CBS television station. Remember Gunsmoke on TV tonight, 10 p.m. Eastern Time. And be sure and listen to Gunsmoke again on radio next week. Transcribed for L&M Filters.