Around Dodge City and in the territory on West there is just one way to handle the killers of the spoilers and that's with a US Marshal and the smell of Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke starring William Conrad, the story of the violence that moved west with young America and the story of a man who moved with it. I'm that man, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal, the first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chance a job and it makes a man watchful and a little lonely. Have you noticed? You hear something new at soda bombs today. People are saying Pepsi please. Pepsi please. Why don't you say it too and enjoy a light, clean tasting fountain Pepsi Cola. So step in too, get off your feet. Your fountain service can't be beaten. Mochis and she's say Pepsi please. Now it's Pepsi for those who think it. Matt I'd sure like to meet whoever's running the kitchen in this place. Oh my kitty. A cook that can make antelope stew taste like prairie dog ought to be something to see. At least it's hot. No it's not. Well mine is. You're forgetting you dumped half that bowl of chili peppers in yours. You spoil Kitty Dodgers and St. Louis. St. Louis? I was there six months four years ago. Hello there Kitty. Hi Doc. Oh fine, fine. Sit down, sit down. Very little eating. Stew? Well that's what they call it. Well I'll try a little anyway. Then I'm going to go to bed. At noon? I was up all night Kitty out at the Brandt place. Oh Mrs. Brandt have a baby? Yes a boy. That's five I've delivered out there. Seems to me it's about time they gave you one. No thanks. I've got enough trouble all by myself. But I'll tell you something Matt. It's got to do with how I'm afraid to be driving under the prairie at all. You mind him? I ran into Sam Butler just outside. He drove in with his whole family and all his belongings loaded onto his wagon. He says he's quitting. Why? Pawnees wiped out another family up near his place on the Smoky Hill River a couple of days ago. That's the second raid in the last two weeks. No wonder he's scared. Matt he's telling everyone who will listen that it's a shameful thing for the law to be hiding out in Dodge City while whole families are being slaughtered in the country. He is huh? Yes. I thought you'd like to know. Yeah. You sit with Kitty Doc. I'm going to go have a talk with Sam Butler. Sure. See you both later. Music I'm saying that any man that stays out there and exposes his family to them murderers and savages is just crazy. You can't fight a Pawnee war party all by yourself. And we sure ain't getting no help from a law around here. We can die at rock for all the law care. Hello Sam. Well, where have you been hiding Marshal? I heard the Pawnees made another raid up near you. If you call shooting and scalping a man and his wife and their two boys a raid, those men never had a chance to fight for us I see. Men? The boys are coming on fourteen or fifteen holding up the handle of a rifle. But they got caught outside. They never even made the house. Never made the house? I seen them with my own eyes Marshal. And if you've seen them you'd be doing something about it instead of sitting around here and dying. I'm not hired to fight Indians Sam. That's the Army's job. Then you ought to be out helping Army. Every law man in the country ought to. The Army doesn't need help. But there's something strange about those Pawnees. What's strange about them? They've killed right men before. I think I'll ride up there and look around. I'm sorry you're quitting Sam. We need settlers out here. Not dead ones you don't. Ah that's right. Not dead ones. Music A new week in the CBS Radio Network calendar of events brings with it hourly on the hour longer stronger CBS News coverage. To keep informed on developments near and far lend an ear here. And keep in mind as your day and week progress not only the news but its color and background are amply covered by this station. The CBS Radio Network feature Sidelights with Douglas Edwards probes a new aspect of latest events each weekday. In the lively feature A Woman's Washington, CBS Newswoman Nancy Honchman reviews the capital scene for stories of highest current interest. David Shondrun serves amply as your man in Paris to unlock secrets of the City of Light. Alan Jackson offers fascinating facts of every kind on Information Central. Zachary Scott reveals the romantic backgrounds of famous people in Man and White. These are among your daily listening features on the network with a different sound in news and information. CBS Radio, available where you're listening now. Music Jester and I left Dodge that afternoon and toward evening the next day we ran across a troop of cavalry camped on the Smoky Hill River and commanded by a young officer who was new to this part of the country, a Captain Star. He was anxious to make a success of his first expedition but so far he hadn't even seen an Indian. I decided to stay with him for a while and I'm glad I did. The next afternoon while we were on the march his scouts reported another settlers cabin burned, the family killed. At my request Captain Star filed his troop out on patrols while he and Jester and I rode forward to the scene of the slaughter. The whole family, man and wife and their boy. Look over there Jester, against the water barrel. Oh my, it's a little girl. Yeah. They scalped them, every one of them. Even that little girl, they even scalped her. At least they didn't torture them. Did they torture the other family Captain? No they didn't Marshal, they shot them just like this, scalped them. Where are you going Marshal? What is it? Captain Star. Last night you told me this is your first tour of duty in Indian country. That's right Marshal. Take a look around Captain. I have. All right all three of these settler families were killed in the open outside their cabins. Now does that mean anything to you? Well I guess the Pawnees surprised them. And they sure did, and there are not many arrows around. If these people had had a chance to put up a fight there would be a lot of arrows. But there was a shot Marshal with rifles. Look at the ground Captain, there are no tracks. Every sign of a track has been dragged out with a blanket. Yes you're right, I hadn't noticed that. There's one other thing you hadn't noticed or maybe you don't know about. What's that? That boy there. How old would you say he was? Oh about the same age as the boy at the last place, maybe 12, 13. Yeah. Now Captain that's old enough to be a brave in a couple of years if he was a Pawnee. Now what do you mean if he was a Pawnee? They usually keep a boy that age. They don't kill him. They take him and try to make a brave out of him. Oh, oh I didn't know that. You don't think it was Pawnees that done this Mr. John? No I don't trust it. A man wearing moccasins doesn't care about his tracks. He's got nothing to hide. I'm afraid I don't understand Marshal. It wasn't Pawnees that did this Captain. It wasn't Indians at all. It was white men. Marshal Gillum. Yeah. No white man would shoot that little girl over there. And then the scalper. Captain did you ever hear what Chivington did to the Cheyennes at Sand Creek? Kill and scalper them all he said. Big and little. Knits make lice. Congress has repudiated that whole affair, Marshal. That still happened Captain and it was still white men that did it. Yes, I suppose you're right. I'm right. But why did they do it? It was horses. See that corral out there. This man must have had six, seven head of horses. Yeah, the other settlers did too. They stole the horses and probably whatever they could find in the cabins. Right now they're sitting around camp somewhere drinking coffee and laughing at all of us Indian hunters. I'll find them. It's a big country Captain. I've got a trip of cavalry out there Marshal. Over a hundred men. All right suppose you do find some riders with a bunch of horses. How are you going to know they're the men you're after? Those horses are branded aren't they? What brands? I don't know but they must be registered somewhere. Yeah maybe. While you're finding all that out some of the families are going to be slaughtered. No Captain there isn't time. I didn't realize how new I am at this game Marshal. What would you suggest? Well, there used to be a corral about five miles upriver from here. Bill's standing. We'll bait it with a couple of dozen head of good cavalry horses. They'll come to us. Good idea. And I'll have my troop deployed ready to move in. No that wouldn't work Captain. You can't hide a hundred men. You'll have to keep your cavalry clear away. But how can we? I'll be there. We'll wait for them. Here's another load of them green branches Mr. John. Yeah we'll throw them on the fire Chester. Let's have some more smoke. Yeah that'll do it. I'll have to see that if they're anywhere this side of the Rocky Mountains. They're sure to be scouting around. They ain't stole enough horses to leave the country yet. Besides they're feeling mighty safe. They'll come. Mr. John? Yeah. I've been thinking. It's John that'll make you rich Chester. Not thinking. I don't care so much about being rich. It's going on living. What's bothering you? Well there's only two of us. I was wondering how many there are of them. You want to go back and find the cavalry? You didn't answer my question Mr. John. How many do you think we're waiting for? There's no way of telling. Well if there's a whole passel of them, how in the world are we going to take them? I don't really care how we take them Chester. You're pretty mad aren't you? I just can't get that little girl out of my mind. Huh, look out. There comes somebody. I'm not alone. Just some cowboy probably. Yeah maybe. Yeah sure he is. He's seen smoke by fire and now he's wondering what that old crow's doing full of horses. He might be scouting it for the others. Those men don't take many chances. Well we're going to find out. Maybe we won't until it's too late. You heat up some coffee for him. Chester, I think I'll have a cup of that too. I see. Morning. Morning. Why don't you get on stranger. We'll have some hot coffee up in a minute. Yeah. I'm letting time my horse here. Sure you some coffee. I had to make a dry camp last night. Oh, you couldn't have been very far away. Why didn't you ride on down to the river here? I'll tell you why mister. I was lost. Rode till after dark and got lost. Your horse could have found it for you. Well maybe my horse ain't as smart as yours. No offense. Sit on Chester's bringing the coffee now. I've been sitting all morning. Here you are mister. We ain't got no sugar. You've been traveling pretty light ain't you? What do you mean? Here's your coffee. Oh thanks. You know all them horses? They ride a big remote with no wagons. Not much grub I can see. They were driving those horses to Cheyenne and only two of us. We couldn't handle a wagon in a hurry. Oh? Only two of you? Yes sir. Well, I'm drifting mister. Maybe you could use another hand. Yeah maybe. Where are you from? Dakota territory. It's the name of Lee's staff. I'd sure like to see Cheyenne. I've never been there. Why don't you ride up there alone? There's a big chase and a herd of horses all the way. Yeah? Well I'm broke mister. I wouldn't have much of a party in Cheyenne broke would I? Oh I don't guess you would. I'm a good hand. I work cheap. Well how about it? You're a good hand huh? Yeah sure. Of course I am. Mister I wouldn't hire you to herd sheep. What? You said you made a dry camp last night. How come you tie your horse up without water on him while you stand here slopping up coffee? Well it's my horse ain't it? Yeah sure. How's the coffee? The coffee? Is it any good? Well sure. Sure it is. Alright then have some more of it. Chester? Yes sir? Here catch his gun. I got it. Now go get some rope. We'll tie him up while he's still out. Mister Dillon you sure he ain't just a cowboy like you said? I was pretty sure Chester but this made me real sure. It was sticking out of his pocket. Oh my. I'll get the rope and we are hanging with it. Do you see speed laws and other regulations as restrictive or do you look upon them as protective? When a police officer writes a summons for traffic violations do you see him as an enemy or friend? Your life may depend on your attitudes. Statistics clearly indicate that when laws are obeyed deaths go down. It's no secret that emotional immaturity is the major factor in our accident rate. How else but childish can you describe the notion that breaking a traffic regulation is a way of getting away with something. What could be more infantile than believing one can prove his superiority by ignoring a stoplight. Unfortunately too many drivers on the road subscribe to that kind of emotional outlook. The result is tragic. Almost 85 percent of all traffic accidents in America are caused by careless childish driving. We hope sincerely that your attitudes are adult. We hope you know our traffic laws and the people who enforce them are there to help save your life. See anything yet Chester? There's some dust about a mile away. Where's it going? Right this way. I reckon maybe half a dozen riders. Your friends don't take many chances do they Steph? They ain't no friends of mine. I'll tell them that when they get here. You better turn me loose you ain't gonna tell nobody nothing. You mean they won't like it you're being all tied up that way huh? I mean you ain't got a chance Marshall. I know you about right Mr. Hill. How are we gonna fight six men? I've been thinking Chester. But we can't stand up to six men. We wouldn't have a chance. No we wouldn't. I'm gonna do something I never did before in my life. What? Get your bandana out and fix Steph so he can't talk. Good. Well they ain't gonna do you no good. You shut up and get on your feet. Where's the bandana? Here I'll do it. On your feet Steph come on. Alright get alright Los Chester. Turn around. Oh. And then I'll keep you quiet Steph. Alright now walk. I think you're right. Oh thanks. You get down behind that log over there Chester. Yes sir. I'm gonna keep Steph with me right here. Alright Steph lie down. If you make any noise I'll split your skull so help me now go on lie down. Okay Chester. Alright keep this son of your rifle. They're getting pretty close. Quiet now. What? What are we gonna do? Fight it out from here? Chester I'd hate for either of us to get killed by men like them. When I start shooting you start. You take whoever's on your side first and then work in. Yeah so they'll never know it. Shut up now here they are. Shut up now here they are. They must be over to the river. Go get down and wait here for them. Yeah. Maybe Steph's killed them already. We didn't hear no shooting did we? I don't like this Jake. Steph should have been back a long time ago. Steph knows what he's doing. Well I'm sure fine horses ain't he. Now Chester. Don't shoot no more. Alright throw your guns away. Sure. Now turn around get your hands up in the air. Alright Chester come over here. We killed four of them Mr. Dillon. Four of them. Bring Steph up to the fire I'll handle these two. Yes sir. You two stop dusting time. You can turn around now. Who are you? What did you ambush this for? Why you done killed four men. I'm a US Marshal Mr. You're a lion. I'm a... What kind of Marshal would ambush a bunch of men like that? My kind Mr. I don't tie this band down Mr. Dillon. No. You shouldn't talk now. It was murder. That's what it was. It was plain murder. It sure was. Even if he is a Marshal he'll hang for this. He never give us a chance. You're right Mr. I didn't give you a chance. There were too many of you and besides I never knew any men that deserved a chance less than you. What are you talking about? We ain't done nothing. I found this yellow hair ribbon in your friend Steph's pocket. Take a look at it. Well what's this? What's this? This ain't nothing just a little yellow ribbon. There was more than just the ribbon. Are you blasted fool Steph? No. I didn't take nothing else. That was just kind of a souvenir. I told you to get rid of everything. You know Steph I'm sorry you came in alone. I wish you had been with the others. But I'm going to see you hanged all three of you. Because that little girl's yellow hair ribbon is going to hang you. Repeat after me please. What do you want when you need brand? What do you want when you need brand? Reliability. Reliability. Now what do you get in Kellogg's All Brand? What do you get in Kellogg's All Brand? Reliability. Right. Hi this is Dennis James to explain why Kellogg's Way is the reliable way to get the effectiveness you want from brand with just half a cup a day. See Kellogg's All Brand is the real Battle Creek formula. The one that millions of people depend on. And they depend on it because Kellogg's All Brand contains more vital brand bulk to help you keep regular. It's low in calories and it's mighty pleasant eating too. Kellogg's All Brand comes in crisp toasted shreds that have a wholesome brand muffin taste. I think you'll like it. So be sure you remember for the effectiveness you want from brand get reliable Kellogg's All Brand. That's what you get in Kellogg's All Brand. Reliability. Gunsmoke. Produced and directed in Hollywood by Norman McDonald stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshal. The story was specially written for Gunsmoke by John Beston. Featured in the cast were Lawrence Dodkin, John Danaer, and Harry Bartel. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McNear is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. This is George Walsh inviting you to join us again next week when CBS Radio presents another story on Gunsmoke. For instant facts and fun, America listens most to the CBS Radio Network. Hello there, I'm Art Linklater with eight-year-old Tommy whose hobby is, what is it Tommy? Watching butterflies. Oh that sounds like fun. What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor. What kind of a doctor? A people doctor. Oh, Tommy is one of the many children carrying on a personal fight against a crippling handicap. And children like Tommy receive regular training at their local Easter Seals centers all over the country. And it's amazing to see all the things they can do. These children can be helped to use the abilities they do have with proper care. Easter Seals provide this care from your contribution. This year I'm pleased to be the National Chairman of the Easter Seal Drive. If there's a crippled child in your community, give him the chance to show what he can do. You can help crippled children by giving to Easter Seals.